Is the Seventh House a house of love and pleasure, or of pain? Most people would knee-jerk to a reaction of "Love, of course! It is the house of partnerships and marriage!" The Seventh House is where astrologers traditionally look to see if there is partnership and/or marriage potential between people. If your personal planets fall in my Seventh House, and my personal planets fall in your Seventh House, and my Seventh House planets get along with your Seventh House planets, then we should go ahead and start our wedding registry, right? I am not so sure anymore. It is also the house of
open enemies, and what I have often seen is that when someone is your so-called "soul mate," they end up bringing you at least as much pain as pleasure. That is because, in my opinion, a soul mate is not here to bring you everlasting compatibility, cooperation, and bliss, they are here to be your mirror. They are here to push your buttons so you can grow and learn lessons, often painful ones. "Life is pain," after all. Our level of attachment to things (people, outcomes, ideas, etc., as well as material things) is in direct correlation to the amount of pain and suffering we experience. And what are we more attached to than our significant others, our soul mates, our partners? I'm going to go out on a limb here and posit that not much else is as significant to us humans as that.

I'm not trying to be a Negative Nelly here or poo-poo the love and compatibility that can often be found in Seventh House synastry, because that is indeed also real and wonderful. I just think that sometimes, if we can read a chart objectively without harboring any romantic illusions, we might be able to foreshadow some pain that may come along with the pleasure we often wish to only see. Because astrologers tend to look at the Seventh House as the house of love and romance (I beg to differ - I often see the Fifth House as more of that), the ugly side of partnerships and soul mating is swept under the rug. I'm just dragging that crap out and shining a big ol' light on it. Hell, somebody's gotta do it.
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