Friday, June 15, 2018

Saturn - You WILL Learn, and Uranus will now help

Traditional astrology considers Saturn a malefic, which means it tends to bring hard times to whatever area it touches. Saturn is known as the taskmaster, the restrictor, the inhibitor, the thing that holds you back and says no, you can't do this (whatever it touches - house, planet, angle) because you're not good enough.

The fifth house is all about creativity, art, children, dating and sex, and self expression. In traditional astrology, Saturn in the fifth is absolutely considered a downer. "You won't be invited to parties." That kind of thing. I have Saturn in the fifth. Great.

Good thing I don't practice entirely traditional astrology. (Thank my Sun/Pluto/MC/Uranus for that.)

Yeah, Saturn can be a prick. But I appreciate its influence, because its aim is to make me better. My take on the traditional viewpoint is this:  "You're not good enough, YET. Keep going."

Saturn also rules age and wisdom gained with age. Now that I am officially "of a certain age," I am grokking this. Saturn watches, waits, absorbs, learns, studies, applies, practices, makes mistakes, learns again, and then BOOM, becomes the thing that all along doubted it was ever capable of becoming, but with aplomb. Excellence. Structured. Disciplined. Perfectionist. Saturn is Karma - you were MEANT TO BE THE THING that the house it lives in embodies. It is known. It is written. You are anchored here in this house, you cannot escape it. You must and will become what you were born to be.

The amazing Mystic Medusa has taught me a lot about Saturn. From her I've learned that you have to "do your Saturn" if you want to succeed at anything. The only way out is through. As soon as you buckle down and get to work, Saturn is onside. You will make strides. You will climb the mountain. You will overcome all the strife and reap the rewards. It is written. It is known. (Yes, I love GOT.)

With Saturn in my fifth house, I grew up feeling like I wasn't good enough to make art. I was drawn to art, music, photography, all things creative, being a Libra Sun. I soaked up information like a sponge and hung around a lot of artists and musicians. But I always thought I wasn't good enough to do what they did. I felt inadequate. I compared myself with no experience to people who had years of experience and who had already developed their artistic skills. I set the bar high (even now, I'm wondering if this simple blog post would measure up to Hemingway). I have a critical eye on all aspects of self-expression. It's fear of expressing the self here. Typical Saturn in the fifth house.

But with all things Saturnine, they take time to change. Saturn is here to hone you like a boulder under a thousand years of running water. Soon enough, you will soften, become rounder, smoother, yield. You WILL become what originally you thought you were not good enough to become, based on the house Saturn dwells.  It will just take time, and probably a lot of pain.

Lots of time. Half of your life, sometimes more if you never learn the lesson. Saturn is your teacher and if you avoid the lesson you will never grow. You have to do the time. You have to do the work. The disciplined, hard-won, aching, blood, sweat, and tears work. This is unavoidable. Humiliation will be a part of this, too, guaranteed. It's Saturn's way.

From what I have experienced, though, the Saturn benefits kick in during the second half of your life. The Saturn Return around age 29-30 is just the first awareness of it. For me, at least, it wasn't until the Saturn Trine after the Saturn Opposition, that I began to realize I have all the skills I need now. I've always had them. Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, those ruby slippers have been on my feet the whole time. I just had to believe in myself. I had to walk through Oz a while first and learn some important, embarrassing, character-building lessons.

But I know now that I really am an artist, and it has slowly been seeping out and asserting itself more and more over the last couple of years. I like thinking about the world, about life, about how it all fits together, understanding life and this weird place where we all are rather than existing on a superficial plane of existence. I need to go deep and bring things up from the depths (probably a Pluto influence, for sure, which I have in a fortunate trine with Saturn) and express how that feels. I need to make art, writing and painting, from all of that. I am creating works now. I am an artist. Just one with some perfectionist tendencies that I need to keep working on, but Saturn will help with that, too.


Uranus, the Awakener, Arrives

Uranus has just entered Taurus where it will reside for the next seven years. My fifth house has Taurus on its cusp, and my Saturn lives at 22 Taurus. My Saturn is in aspect with all my other magic makers (Ascendant, Pluto, Sun, Mercury, Mars, Moon, Neptune, and Venus) and is the base and the glue that makes all of these planetary elements sing together in concert. It is the conductor of the symphony. It is the Magician. It is "hidden blessings." Uranus arriving here announces:  It is time. Time to Awaken. Time to make the Magic. Uranus is Awakening me. 

This earth trine is going to help everyone, in fact, because transit Saturn is in earthy Capricorn until 2020, and Uranus is in Taurus for the next seven years. They are assisting one another. Make (Saturn) Magic (Uranus).

Uranus in Aries blew up anything that didn't serve me in my 4th House. Bye, Felicia. It helped me to actualize my Self at the root by bursting the seed. Now, I grow into my potential. Now, I expand into and create my world.


My favorite tarot card is the Star. The Wish card. "I can create anything I need." Because I am an Artist. 

Saturn is not my Achilles heel; it is my superpower. I just needed time and practice to get that.

Saturn is the Teacher, and you WILL learn. Whatever the house that holds Saturn is about, you will learn ALL about that. You have no choice. It's what you HAVE to do. It is where you will learn mastery.


Sunday, March 11, 2018

When Your Chart Ruler Goes Retrograde

I'm a Saggitarius rising, so that means my chart ruler is Jupiter. My Jupiter is in Scorpio, in the 11th house, and it just went retrograde last night. This is a pretty big event for me.

Jupiter has just turned retrograde at 23 degrees of Scorpio, near my Neptune in Scorpio (12th house) and opposite my 5th house Saturn. It will turn direct at 13 degrees Scorpio, conjunct my 11th house Venus at 14 Scorpio, near my natal Jupiter at 6 Scorpio, and still opposite my Saturn. So... the old Neptune/Venus issues are coming up, and it's also triggering the path Saturn took a few years ago when it raked its nails through Scorpio (2012-2015, boy do I remember that time) during my Saturn Opposition.

Here are the themes and issues being triggered for me now, albeit in a much more peaceful way than when Saturn blew through:
  • The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
  • Undo the damage, break the spell that was cast
  • Re-cast a better spell; redesign a better life; hone your intentions like a blade on the sharpening stone
  • Wake the Fuck UP - don't allow yourself to drift into complacency, there's no time (Saturn) for that, I don't care how lucky you think you are
  • Focus on creating healthy relationships
  • Stand up for yourself and your needs - ask for what You want
  • Self Love
  • Open heart so you can receive
  • Pay Your Debts
  • Healthy boundaries (in love and in money) - this means not too foolish, and not too guarded, either
  • Use your precious energy wisely; Use this TIME (Saturn) wisely
  • Don't invest in unwise situations that have no longevity
  • Beware energy vampires
  • Beware opportunistic predators
  • Radical Self Care
  • Create what you want and need in your life
  • Star Tarot - I can create anything I need
  • Listen for guidance and trust that everything will arrive to you as you need it
  • Relax, rest, tend your garden
  • Cultivate the ability to Conjure Joy, under any circumstance - Make this your superpower - death-defying freedom and joy (god if this isn’t the ultimate Jupiter in Scorpio in the 11th house theme, I don’t know what is lol) 
  • Galadriel, a light when all others go out
  • The Audacity of Hope
  • Be Lucky
  • Wish, Dream big
So, in a way, this is a pause to see what I've done so far in my year of Jupiter Return. And WOW, honestly, it's been amazing. I got a promotion/raise, moved to a better house, have paid off some debts, scored what I needed and then some. I think if anything, I haven't aimed high enough. Now is the time to sift through it all and determine where to hitch my lucky star for the next, and final, pass-through. I have to pay attention. Can't fail this lesson. It's a second chance.

I have to make it good. No, I have to make it AMAZING.