instance, let's look at someone who has a stellium of personal planets,
all in the same water sign, in his Seventh House. It is jam-packed and
he has conjunctions galore (and many squares, too). Sun, Mercury, Mars
and Venus are all in there, all in grasping Cancer. Many would say this
person is "relationship-minded" and places much importance, even his
identity (Sun), on his partnership or even his partner. Lots of women
would think, Ooh, this guy is relationship material. And indeed, he has
had his share of long-term, back-to-back relationships, (with a few
concurrent ones on the side as well). He does not like to be alone.
Well, let's take this a step further, and let's take those rose-colored glasses off while we're at it.
person's Sun is his midpoint between his Venus and his Mars. His
identity and ego (Sun) is a compilation of how he loves and what his
values are (Sun conjunct Venus) and how he expresses his masculinity,
his sex drive, and his anger (Sun conjunct Mars). In fact, to me, his Mars being in his Seventh House at all is
a sign that he will have tumultuous relationships. Throw in that
conjunction to his Sun and the Sun also conjunct to Venus, and both his
ego (Sun) and his relationship style are going to be pretty
anger-driven, and they are. Not to mention he is going to have so much
riding on his relationships, in the way of them being a reflection of
his identity (Sun), simply because it is a direct expression of both his
values (Venus) and his masculinity (Mars), that he will probably have a
pretty firm "my way or the highway" thing going on in his close
partnerships, which he does. He also has narcissistic tendencies and
control issues. He needs to have a partner, or else he will not
be able to function well and will go ballistic (Mars protecting that
ego/Sun) until he gets what he needs. And if the partner wants to leave
the relationship without his consent, Goddess help him or her, because
he won't stand for it, because it would be too earth-shattering to his
ego (Sun), his values (Venus), and his manhood (Mars).
guy can't function without a partner, or even better, a wife, and she
will need to be his lifeline in everything. And she'd better be hot,
too, because his ego (Sun) won't allow (Mars) any relationship partner
to make him look or feel less than he values himself (Sun conjunct
Venus) to be. He'll never let on to any of this though, because he
prides himself (Sun) on being very fair-minded and love-oriented
(Seventh House/Libra). In fact, he will likely be completely blind to
all of it. Looks pretty codependent, vampirish, and honestly pretty
abusive to me. So much for the "relationship material" soul mate crap
this time around.
Let's look at one of his more recent partners, as well. Her Seventh House is empty. Nothing in there at all, not a single planet
or asteroid (maybe a Midpoint or two, but that remains to be
investigated). What is this all about? I tend to read this as she is
open to experiences, relationships, partnerships, and does not have any
specific planetary energy directing her to act, give or receive in any
particular way. Or does she? On her Seventh House cusp is Gemini, which
is ruled by Mercury, which is in her very packed Ninth House. He has a
stellium in the Seventh; she has a stellium in the Ninth, which includes
her Sun and Pluto (which are conjunct, oh my), along with Mercury, Mars
and both Dark Moon Lilith and Asteroid Lilith and her South Node.
Schnikeys, she is not one to be pushed around or told what to do, is
she? The Seventh House as a whole is ruled by Libra, which is ruled by
Venus. Her Venus is in her Eleventh House, conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio.
She greatly (Jupiter) values (Venus) deep (Scorpio) friendships
(Eleventh House). So she definitely does have some relationship stuff
going on, it is just indirect and not as in-your-face as his stuff is.
And hers is more predicated on the idea of freedom and friendship (11th
house Aquarian values) and being self-possessed (Sun conjunct Pluto) on
her own terms, on her own path to enlightenment (9th house stellium).
His seems more all about him.
Looking at her chart, his Mercury, Mars, and Sun are all in her Seventh House. He is (on the
outset at least) a good fit for her, partnership wise. He talks like a
good partner for her (his Mercury), acts (for the most part) like a good
partner for her (his Mars), and seems to express the identity of the
perfect partner for her (his Sun). And yet, his packed Seventh House may
be overkill for her empty Seventh House. He is completely beyond
invested in what this relationship can do for him (Sun conjunct
Venus and Sun conjunct Mars), whereas she could probably take it or
leave it and remain relatively unscathed in the process. It does seem
like he fills what could be otherwise seen as a void in her life/chart
though. He completely fills up her otherwise empty Seventh House of
partnerships. But what does he fill it with? Himself. His need for his
partnership to boost his self image. His desire for his partner and his
partnership to make him value himself more and act like a better person.
at his chart, her Moon falls into his Seventh house and is tightly
conjunct his Venus. This is normally a strong indicator of positive
relationship potential. For him, he values (Venus) her feelings (Moon)
as they relate to their partnership (his Seventh House). How she feels
is important to him, because to him, it reflects and strengthens his
identity (his Sun conjunct both his Venus and his Mars in his Seventh
However, this conjunction of her Moon and his Venus falls in her Eighth
House. Different reception of the same connection. (They have conjunct
Ascendants, a connection of similars, so their House
structure is nearly identical. There are some differences though, but
overall there was a feeling of familiarity with this couple, at least
initially and
outwardly.) He may see it as a perfect
partnership but she may feel (Moon) that he values (Venus) her only for
he can get from her (Eighth House of sex, death and other people's
money). Her Moon in her Eighth House makes her feel (Moon) guarded,
secretive, and somewhat spooky (Eighth House). He's feeling all Seventh
House Venus conjunct Sun "I am worth more now because I possess you" and
she's feeling all Eighth House dark and deep Moon "I gotta get away
from you," somewhat of a Pluto-Persephone vibe. (Indeed, their Plutos
are also conjunct, indicating a power struggle.) Whenever she needs to
withdraw emotionally (Moon in Eighth), he takes it as a personal
affront, a threat to their relationship, and thus his own ego, and
attacks her (Mars in Seventh conjunct Sun). She feels like his
"investment" (Venus) in her is too much to bear, too suffocating, too
intensely driven (Mars conjunct Sun). His need to possess her as his
partner overwhelmed her need to protect her own sensitive nature from
his violent tendencies (Mars conjunct Sun in the Seventh), so she left
him, but not without him behaving violently towards her again because of
is the Seventh House synastry an indication of good, or evil then? I
vote for neither, and both. A lot depends on the individuals involved
and on other aspects in the chart. It is definitely not as smooth and
lovey-dovey of a House as many would like to believe, though, in my
opinion. It is not simply a direct indication of easy connection and
happiness. I think it shows us where we have our work to do (with the
partner in question), our work of letting go of our attachments. Not so
romantic, this idea of letting go of attachments, as is the idea of
clinging desperately and longingly to our loved ones, eh? However, for
our relationships to endure, or indeed to teach us what they are there
to teach us, they must be open and free to be what they are. And
sometimes that can be pretty messy, especially if we have a death grip
on them.
long as we are willing to look at our Seventh House (and our partner's
Seventh House) realistically, and see beyond just what we wish to see
when we are doing synastry charts, we can probably uncover potential
pitfalls early enough to prevent some major damage and use what we find
there to our mutual advantage. Often times, unfortunately, it is only
with hindsight that we realize these things. And in these cases, it is
still better to learn from these situations so we can apply them to
future relationships, using what we find to aid in our mutual growth and
enjoyment of one another. Which is, if you ask me, what being in a
relationship should be all about.
Wow. This is very thorough. You do know your astrology. According to stephen arroyo, the common mistake of modern astrologers is to read charts piece by piece, using stereotyped labels.
ReplyDeleteThanks Flave Dave!
DeleteHey, I'm a scorp (with libra in 6th) sun, aqua moon with Taurus asc. Empty first house but Pluto,mars and Venus in scorp 7th house. I like to think my ideal partner will be one having a strong scorp moon with Venus conjunct Leo asc.
ReplyDeleteI like to check opposing houses when analysing compatibility.. For example with my sun and moon in 6th and 10th houses,I would fancy someone with tangible 12th and 4th house placements. What do you think?
I think opposites can attract, but they can also repel if those involved are unwilling or unable to compromise and meet in the middle. It would be nice if we could order up our perfect partner and their perfect chart like ordering off of a menu, but that's not how it works. We don't get to control who we come into contact with to that degree. If you were able to conjure up a partner with a Scorpio Moon and Venus conjunct Leo ASC, together you'd form a Fixed Grand Cross and all you would do is fight, no matter what houses are occupied. Have you ever cast your chart using the Whole Sign House system? If you did you'd see your Sun, Pluto, Mars, and Venus all together in your 7th house. So that would make you a 7th house stellium looking for a relationship with strong Scorpio/Pluto themes. Your Moon is square this stellium, so what you feel is probably in conflict with these relationship needs. Moon square Venus also suggests a possible conflict with how you view women (assuming you are a male seeking a female), the Moon being more the mother/wife (Madonna) position, here removed in intellectual, airy Aquarius, and the Venus (conjunct Pluto/Mars/Sun in Scorpio in the 7th) the sexual partner/whore position. My guess is you don't currently have children so you don't know how you would deal with that conflict until you experience your female partner going through the change of becoming a mother - and you may never wish to experience parenthood and that's perfectly fine as well - just know that there is a potential conflict for you in that area, in how a partner should be for you and how flexible (not a Fixed trait) you can be in that regard, should it ever become a part of your life.
ReplyDeleteWith regards to 4th and 12th house energies, I would not focus so much on those houses as I would on what they represent: Cancer and Pisces. And yes, you would probably vibe best with a fellow water sign, though a nice Capricorn or Taurus would suit you nicely as well, should you need the grounding sensuality of an Earth sign. Finding a suitable Sun sign partner with a suitable Moon is much easier than sifting through people whose charts don't line up quite like you'd like them to, and it is much kinder for those being sorted as well, since you'd have to get close enough to ask them their birth times to find out their chart makeup and by then, if you chose to discard them, they might feel a bit disrespected. Many dating sites these days even provide handy Sun signs in members' profiles. I'd look for a Cancer or Pisces if I were you, and trust your keen intuition and instincts (you are a multi-Scorp, after all) with the rest. Good luck!
An explosive grand cross will be excellent. I need someone to keep me on my toes. I generally can't get much done without a human catalyst.
ReplyDeleteI'm not looking for a 'calming' relationship, I already have an abundance of that with myself.
I've been with two earthy partners in the past.. Both Virgo suns with Taurus and Virgo moons. They were too grounding.. Both didnt approve of my Aquarian tendencies. But when these tendencies yielded tangible positive results, they applauded.
However, in 2014 I worked under this Leo sun-asc and scorpio moon female for my university project. Most productive 6 months of my life. In less than two months I wrote more code than i ever did for the preceding 3 years. We were very compatible, almost Sherlock-Watson extreme. She understood me and that was a very nice thing to be. Understood.
I developed nasty feelings for her in no time, but she was married with 4 kids.
Now imagine me coming back to calm, agreeable, traditional, pleasing on the eye unions once more. Not really.
I need a partner to shine. My partner has to be "out there". So maybe Cancer sun with Fiery ascendant?
Do you do charts?
No, I'm not currently doing charts. Sounds like you know what you are looking for and I'm sure you'll know it when you find the right person!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the article! Your writing has a lot of depth and complexity to it, which issues like relationships always need!
ReplyDeleteI'm a caricorn rising with jupiter, neptune (retrograde), and uranus (retrograde in aquarius) in the first house and venus (leo) mars (cancer) and the moon (cancer) in the seventh. my venus and mars are opp neptune and uranus and they are both trine pluto and saturn too. i tend to avoid romantic/intimate relationships like the plague despite being a "romantic whos in love with love" according to my venus in leo. i had to grow up witnessing my parents abusive relationship as a child, my mothers pain and helplessness affected me a lot and for awhile i doubted real love could even exist! ive come a long way tho but. i am still very scared of intimacy and afraid to trust anyone but i cant imagine a relationship without it... ( i have an 8th house sun in virgo)
I'm a lesbian and recently different friends have been confessing to me and i do the same thing every time which is just run away from the possibilty of a relationship. i feel bad for not being able to reciprocate their feelings but i also feel completely cut off from my own emotions and so afraid to feel anything for anyone that i dont know what i actually want from them. it sucks.
I have some good news for you. The solar eclipse happening tomorrow will be in your 8th house, probably conjunct your Sun, and will help you clear out old psychic wounds and debris that is keeping you from being intimate with others. The bad news is that it won't be painless, but since you have an 8th house Sun and probably Pluto in Scorpio, you are no stranger to dealing with pain and transformation. You are an honorary Scorpio (I am too, so I get it), due to that 8th house Sun (8th house is Scorpio/Pluto's house - is it in aspect to your Pluto? If so, mega bonus points), so you were born to be a regenerative, transformative being who will always find a way, every single damn time, to go through the fire and come out another level higher. The pain of having an 8th house Sun indicates you lost your father in some capacity. Doesn't mean he died, doesn't mean you never talk to him, could even be a loss of your own sense of "healthy male" or the animus within. But it needs healing, and yes, you will find a way. I'm guessing your Saturn is in Pisces but it's hard to tell by your description above. Could be late Aqua but not sure. Anyway, wondering what aspects are to your Saturn because there is some restriction going on. Could be Saturn (currently stationing direct at 21 Sagg) transiting something that's about to turn around and leave so hang on through that, it will be entering Capricorn at the end of 2017. Which, hey, that kind of says it right there - you have Saturn transiting your 12th! I just went through that and it is now stationing exactly on my 20 Sagg ascendant. It fucking hurts but you just have to "do Saturn" and get through it. Saturn wants you to get real, do your admin, have healthy boundaries (but not too high with those walls! healthy means good things come in), and "work before play." So your boundaries/walls need some adjusting. 8th house is intimacy. You are all about this but you have some damage there that you need to address and heal. May take a while. Look into C-PTSD, if you haven't already. I was diagnosed with it myself (awful marriage, you can heal yourself, getting therapeutic help never hurts and can be amazing) but am much, much better now. Make your intentions now before the eclipse. Write out what you want to lose in your life, what you want to let go of, then have a fire and burn the list, visualizing it leaving you in the flames. Then write out what you want to invite into your life. Imagine it coming. Make actual, physical room for it. Abundance means you open your heart to receive. Allow yourself to receive what is trying to come to you and trust that it is for your highest good. Do forgiveness and healing meditations. 8th house is spirituality, too. My favorite is Ram Dass's Soma meditation, it is on YouTube and on SoundCloud for free. You got this. Your life will totally get better if you want it to and if you are ready. The only thing in your way is you. <3
ReplyDeleteHello there,
ReplyDeleteI happen to have mercury in seventh house libra.. an even though i find it extremely easy to communicate with another libra (mercury/asc/sun) all my romantic interests have been tied to my 8th house (where i have three planets in scorpio(pluto, sun, venus)..
lucky me, i have my moon in aquarius squaring a lot of water in my chart, and hence, i have kinda numbed the 'watery' part of me. However, with jupiter entering my 8th house soon i fear i might be presented with a lot of 8th house opportunities which i fear might not only bring romance and la la lands, but also pain and torture.
any thoughts?
With all that going on in the 8th, I wouldn't think you'd be afraid of anything! Time to face your fears maybe? Jupiter is positive and expansive anyway. You can never escape from the work that needs to be done in the 8th. Like taxes and death, it's unavoidable and inevitable. Why not go in with a Jupiterian mindset and bring joy into the equation? Might be the missing element.
DeleteI know this is quite late but thank you for all of your thoughts and advice. Especially the part about therapy which I should start looking into. I definitely need work on setting good boundaries and being more open woth other people in general. I think I'm slowly moving in the right direction...
ReplyDeleteI actually have saturn in aries, in the 3rd, conjunct the south node and part of a t-square. its opposite mercury in libra, conjunct chiron and the north node, and both of those points are square jupiter and my ascendant, which are conjunct. the "missing leg" pf the t-square would be my seventh house, which jupiter isnt opposing anything in, despite there being like 3 planets in there. saturn is also trine pluto at 0 degrees sagittarius and venus at 0 leo. i dont really know what any of that means but i think it all really just boils down to me needing to heal myself and my relationships and just learning to trust people and try again... which i get.
I've never been much for meditation exactly, though I overthink constantly, but I was surprised to find that video pretty grounding.
Thanks again for what you said. Hope youre doing well.
well ı have 7th house stellium ( mercury and saturn in Aquarius sun and mars in Pisces) my wife has 12th house stellium in Libra ( sun venus saturn pluto mercury).
ReplyDeleteI thought it was our destiny (our norh nodes conjunct) to meet and get married. And our moons are conjunct with 6 degrees orb (28 cancer 4 lion). I have Moon in Cancer twelfth house and her 7th house of Taurus empty. So it looks like we are living example of your article. I generally thought myself as a giving generous and caring person untill I read your article about being narsistic and all. Now I think you may be right to some extent and felt sorry for my poor wife ( she is really tough person :D). Thanks for sharing this eyeopening insight.
I have sun moon mars mercury and venus all in cancer and seventh house! at 19 I have yet to be in a relationship, but my focus on it is still apparent to many, and myself. I appreciate the time in my life I have to develop my own personality and then use partners as a mirror to expand my knowledge of self in the future